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AARP How to Speak Money. The Language and Knowledge You Need Now

AARP How to Speak Money. The Language and Knowledge You Need Now
Автор: Christine Romans
Дата написания:
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9781118373590
Цена: 1540.30 Руб.
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AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, proven solutions, and expert guidance. Do you speak money? You should. It is the world’s most important language. It’s spoken everywhere. Speaking—or at least understanding—this language allows you to follow the real conversations in politics, business, and at work. Understanding money and speaking the language fluently is critical to preparing for a comfortable retirement, building a small business, planning for college and a career for your children. Everyone speaks it differently, with different dialects. Some are riskier than others. Some want to save their money; others want to see it grow. There is no one accent, but understanding the differences will make couples, business partners, and coworkers happier—and wealthier. Authors and CNN financial experts Ali Velshi and Christine Romans speak the global language of money and translate it every day for hundreds of thousands of viewers. And they are here to teach you, too. It’s easier to learn than you might think. Speaking money affects every area of your life. It’s more than simply your savings or the investments you may have. It involves the way you think about money, the way you teach your children about it, and the way you were taught about it yourself. It’s about the way you spend it, save it, invest it, use it, need it and want it. The book will: Shed light on the male and female spending and investing disparity Discuss emerging international economies Weigh the financial hurdle of student debt culminating in a successful job Explain how to budget wisely and build wealth Show how to plan appropriately for retirement How to Speak Money is an easy-to-read, practical book that helps readers become fluent in the world’s most universal language.

Не храните алебастровые сосуды вашей любви и нежности запечатанными до тех пор, пока ваши друзья не умрут. Наполните сладостью их жизнь, пока они еще живы. Говорите им слова утешения, пока их уши еще могут услышать эти слова и пока их сердца еще могут взволноваться от ваших речей. автор: Генри Уорд Бигер

Умирает человек, попадает на небо. И видит огромное дерево с колокольчиками. Спрашивает у Святого Петра: - Что это такое? - Это дерево лжи. Как только кто-то кого-то обманывает, звенят колокольчики. Тут звякнуло несколько колокольчиков. Святой Петр: - Вот, видишь - это продавцы товары рекламируют. Зазвенела чуть ли не половина колокольчиков. - Это бизнесмены налоговые декларации сдают. Тут раздался оглушительный звон, все дерево задрожало. - О, началась предвыборная компания!

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