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AARP The Secret of Shelter Island. Money and What Matters

AARP The Secret of Shelter Island. Money and What Matters
Автор: Alexander Green
Дата написания:
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9781118231036
Цена: 1663.77 Руб.
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AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, proven solutions, and expert guidance. In The Secret of Shelter Island, nationally renowned financial analyst and bestselling author Alexander Green explores the complicated relationship we all have with money and reveals the road map to a rich life. Drawing on some of today's best minds and many of history's greatest thinkers, The Secret of Shelter Island is both a much-needed source of inspiration and an insightful look at the role of both money and values in the pursuit of the good life. Addresses what really matters when it comes to money and how to make smarter decisions with what you have Describes the profound connection between money, character, personal philosophy, and outlook Other bestselling titles by Green: The Gone Fishin' Portfolio If you want to understand what ultimately provides meaning, contentment, and the satisfaction of a life well-lived, then read The Secret of Shelter Island.

Все хорошие книги сходны в одном, - когда вы дочитаете до конца, вам кажется, что все это случилось с вами, и так оно всегда при вас и останется: хорошее или плохое, восторги, печали и сожаления, люди и места, и какая была погода. (Хемингуэй Э.)

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