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You Can't Take It With You. Wills and Estate Planning for Australians

You Can't Take It With You. Wills and Estate Planning for Australians
Автор: Andrew Simpson
Дата написания:
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9780730377955
Цена: 2469.42 Руб.
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We all face an inescapable truth: whether we like it or not, we will one day die – and we can't take anything with us when we do. Many Australians spend a great deal of their lives actively creating wealth, but pay little attention to how to distribute that wealth after death. Andrew Simpson's You Can't Take it With You is a practical and informative guide to estate planning. Inside you will discover how to: understand and distribute your assets plan your will and protect it from challenges use trusts to safeguard your assets minimise the tax liabilities on your future beneficiaries plan your personal and financial affairs for retirement. With helpful case studies that highlight key points in each chapter, You Can't Take it With You makes the estate-planning process easy. This book is your first step to ensuring peace of mind for you and those you leave behind.

Книгу целуют из уважения к ее содержанию. (Эрнст Хайне)

Однажды к Бернарду Шоу подошел юноша: - Мистер Шоу, - сказал он, - бьюсь об заклад, что вы меня не помните. - Вы выиграли, - ответил Шоу и удалился.

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