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The Best Job in the World. How to Make a Living From Following Your Dreams

The Best Job in the World. How to Make a Living From Following Your Dreams
Автор: Ben Southall
Дата написания:
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9780730313793
Цена: 1663.77 Руб.
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The true story of the man with the Best Job in the World The Best Job in the World is the story of how following your passions can lead to life-changing opportunities. Adventurer Ben Southall shares his experiences and lessons learned as the winner of the inaugural Tourism Queensland's Best Job in the World campaign, and reveals how this has led to ongoing opportunities since. Part autobiography, part insight into the power of a unique marketing campaign, this book follows Ben's journey—from leaving the UK on his own expedition around Africa to his new role as caretaker of Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef. You'll learn about the skills and experiences that shaped Ben's path, together with the inevitable pitfalls that he faced along the way to living his dream. The sole winner of the Best Job in the World campaign, Ben's perspective is a unique one to share the serious challenges that arose from being catapulted into a high profile job in an idyllic location. Humorous and poignant, the story is as much holistic life guide as travel guide, providing a motivational and inspirational tale that may just be the push you need to: Get inspired—see the opportunities around you and grab them with both hands Embrace the unknown, overcome life's obstacles and challenge expectations Live out your dreams and be your authentic self Climb out of the rut and take part in the world around you In The Best Job in the World, Ben Southall answers the questions everyone is asking: «What is it like? Is it really the best job in the world?» You'll learn how to transform your interests and passions into a flexible, long-term career, and how following the road less travelled can lead to living your best life. If you're dissatisfied, stuck in a rut or merely curious, The Best Job in the World is a must-read tale of aspiration, inspiration and motivation.

Книги, как и люди, не переходят из класса в класс без экзамена. Даже самым знаменитым приходится держать экзамен у каждого нового поколения в каждой стране. И бывает, что книга, мирно и спокойно стоящая на полке, как—то незаметно теряет свою жизненность и остроту... но, к счастью, есть книги, не поддающиеся разоблачающему воздействию времени.

Пушкин говорит Арине Родионовне: - Няня, принеси-ка мне водочки. - Так Вы ведь выпили ж всю вчера. Ничего не осталось. - Опять ты мне будешь сказки рассказывать!!!

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