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Living Wheat-Free For Dummies

Living Wheat-Free For Dummies
Автор: Rusty Gregory
Дата написания:
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9781118817032
Цена: 1234.09 Руб.
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Your trusted guide to living wheat-free Wheat is one of the largest contributors to the nationwide obesity epidemic—and its elimination is key to dramatic weight loss and optimal health. Living Wheat-Free For Dummies exposes the harmful effects of wheat/grains, sugar, and vegetable oils and provides you with a user-friendly, step-by-step plan to navigate a new, wheat/grain-free lifestyle. This information-packed guide explains why you should eliminate the trifecta of wheat/grains, sugar, and vegetable oils, what this diet looks like, and how to smoothly transition into this new dietary way of living. Whether you suffer from a wheat allergy, intolerance to grains, or just want to cut out inflammation-causing foods from your diet, Living Wheat-Free For Dummies gives you the tools and tips to improve your overall health. You can also find forty plus delicious, easy, wheat/grain-free ideas for any meal and guidelines for dining out. 40-plus delicious, easy recipes that are free of wheat/grains, sugar, and vegetable oils Guidelines for dining out wheat/grain-free Practical techniques for making the lifestyle a permanent change Exercise programs for all levels that maximize weight loss efforts and optimal health If you're looking to adopt a wheat/grain-free diet and lifestyle, this hands-on, friendly guide has you covered.

В летном полку идет проверка знания матчасти. Одного летчика спрашивают: - Как работает умформер РУН-11? Летчик задумался, потом зажужжал: - Ж-ж-ж-ж! Комиссия остолбенела, летчик спохватывается: - Простите, спутал с умформером РУН-30. РУН-11 работает так: з-з-з-з!

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