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Playing Bigger Than You Are. How to Sell Big Accounts Even if You're David in a World of Goliaths

Playing Bigger Than You Are. How to Sell Big Accounts Even if You're David in a World of Goliaths
Автор: William Brooks T.
Дата написания:
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9780470541791
Цена: 1725.50 Руб.
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The small or mid-sized business' guide to outselling the big boys Often, small or mid-sized businesses don't think they have the resources or the talent to compete with the larger competitors in their industry. But just because they don't have the advertising budgets or purchasing power of their bigger counterparts doesn't mean they can't play ball. For sales organizations, service matters much more than size. If your sales business is competing with much bigger fish, the odds are stacked against you. Pressured and powerless, frustrated and overwhelmed, you might be tempted to give up. But smaller businesses often find advantages over their bigger competitors. • Includes proven tactics to help small businesses tackle bigger competitors • Author William T. Brooks is also the author of The New Science of Selling and Persuasion and How to Sell at Higher Margins Than Your Competitors • Shows you how to steal market share from bigger vendors with bigger resources Just because your business can't flood the market with salespeople or contend on economy of scale and purchasing power, that doesn't mean you can't compete. The secret is Playing Bigger Than You Are.

Книга - учитель без платы и благодарности. Каждый миг дарит она тебе откровения мудрости. Это собеседник, имеющий мозг, покрытый кожей, о тайных вещах вещающий молча. (Низамаддин Мир Алишер Навои)

При выборе себе спутника жизни не стоит забывать о том, что в свободное от секса время вам придётся ещё и о чём-то разговаривать.

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